By cleaning up dated inappropriate things
Really must apologize, this is not a site issue, to be exact I would like to prevent disappointments looking like one existed Which is not true, but I just had to delete some dated things looking messy (JU and WC articles) and leave only 3 things in, shortened a bit which are now supposed to be readable on my wc and ju pages. One of the 3 should still be accessable from the forums (A different wallpaper in each folder window).
But of course, as a side effect there now still are dead links left over in various forums while I write this. They might just go away by themselves. Trying to put the links here, note that some of them were bookmarked when I was logged in and some while logged out.
Here are the links: No 1 Link
No 2 Link
No 3 Link
No 4 Link
No 5 Link
No 6 Link
No 7 Link
Hope it helps, sorry, no offense. Thought considering how many mails the staff get I might as well put something here. Sob. Happy new year anyway!